Monday, June 6, 2011

Who's that new kid?

Most people are thinking this very question in my office today. They will probably continue thinking it for the rest of the week. Well, other than the handful of people that I was introduced to and shook hands with in passing in my inaugural office tour. Those people are probably thinking to themselves, "What's that kids name again?"

And so goes my first real internship.

It's like being the new kid at school after your parents moved you to a new city. Which I never actually experienced. So I'm really just assuming that this is what that feels like.

I'm excited to get to work. I just wish I was 2 weeks in already. I'm sure we'll be sipping on champagne (figurative) and looking back on the "good 'ol days" amidst deep rolling laughter (literal) in no time. Until then, we'll just exchange awkard glances and "hello's" until either they or I must up the courage to re-introduce ourselves.

(sigh) Life is good.

Posted via email from Let's be honest...

1 comment:

  1. We should have moved you to another state or cross country so you could really make a fair comparison! Is it too late?
