Thursday, June 9, 2011

The World We Live In

I know everyone always talks about how terrible the world is, but I also think we live in a miraculous time. Especially in our modern digital world.

My whole outlook was slightly altered by one simple girl yesterday. And then by the millions of people that followed. If any of you were on Twitter yesterday, you may have seen that a certain trending topic. You may have had several people in your timeline mention it. Hopefully you were even decent enough to mention it yourself.


A 15 year old girl who is terminal with cancer made a bucket list. One of her wishes was to trend on Twitter.

That was all she wanted.

And all it took from the millions of Twitter users around the world was a simple tweet, or a retweet. And it could possibly make this one girl's life that much better. And within a matter of minutes, the Twitter army had done its work, and #alicebucketlist was trending worldwide. It's nice to know that we were able to make someone's life better, and make the world a more united place. Even just 5 years ago, I probably never would have even heard of Alice or her illness. But I like to think I helped her cross this one thing off her list. That's how the world has improved.

So as much as the evil in this world continues to grow, there is also a strong force of good out there.

Why don't we all look for some way we can change someone else's life for the better. Even if it's just a simple retweet.

Posted via email from Let's be honest...

1 comment:

  1. That's cool. Maybe I should start tweeting! How is DC??
