Monday, May 3, 2010

Do we even need the penny anymore?

Let's be honest...

When was the last time you thought a penny was useful?

What's the point of the penny anymore? They are annoying. That's about it. I dug through my backpack today and found enough change to venture to the vending machines. Five quarters, three dimes, two nickels, and five pennies. If you haven't been adding the total amount in your head, it ended up being $1.70. It was just the right amount for some chocolate milk and a snack since I didn't have enough time for a real lunch.

Well turns out that vending machines don't even accept pennies. So rather than having the perfect amount of change to tide me over, I was left with five pennies again, followed by a memory flashback to the reason they were in the bottom of my bag in the first place. I definitely don't want them, and if vending machines won't even accept them, then who will? Why can't we just abolish them? Round it off to fives. Nickels are at least bigger and not as annoying. And although dimes are smaller in size than pennies, they are still worth ten times more than a measly penny. I can handle that. Is there anything that costs less than five cents anymore anyway? Honest Abe is already holdin' it down on the five dollar bill, so it's not like a service to him or anything. If I were him, I know I wouldn't want to be associated with something that everyone hated.

All I'm asking is that we find a solution to this problem. Because I don't feel justified in throwing money away, even if it's just a penny or two. So don't make me feel guilty, because I can't hold out much longer.

Posted via web from Let's be honest...


  1. You shouldn't feel guilty, I just toss mine in the trash all the time. Who needs 'em!

  2. Why didn't you just use your meal card to swipe on the vending machines? those don't need pennies, trust me, I'd know.

    thanks again for all those times you swiped your card for my behalf.
