Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back in the 801

That's when I realized...

...I wasn't living in paradise anymore. Reality had struck. I was back in the real world. Well, I was in Provo, however you want to interpret. No more swim suits and flips flops. Beard had to go; Hair lasted not much longer. Here's how it all happened.
For my few current readers, you all should remember that our darling sister tied the knot and became Mrs. JJ Anderson not too long ago. I arrived back in the states with not an extra minute to spare in time for the wedding. I'm not sure my family expected to pick up a homeless looking man at the airport. They soon found out that Grizzly Adams-- did indeed have a beard. The free-spirit that had overcome me while being gone left me slowly in part in the form of small, surprisingly red, hairs in the bathroom.

And so life went on. I moved home and packed up bags for the journey down south. PROVO! I was holding on to the little dream I had left on my head. School started on Monday, and I kept it going. With the help of two twisties and an oversized hat, you would never have known that my hair was anything but honor-code appropriate. I unfortunately found a job on campus and got hired. They were quite ready to inform me that hats would not be allowed on the job. And so the dream died. And it was Fantastic Sam's that killed it.
I was a new man. But my feelings about most of BYU's standards didn't change. I 'm not sure what it is about this place, but it just tends to make me angry. Or at least the administration does. I'm pretty sure my hair looked more respectable than many of the other "honor-code abiding" students. Not all, but at least a few. Here is a picture of the glory days (last week).One day i won't be in school, and nobody will tell me how to wear my hair. Until then, I will just keep my mouth shut and act like I'm supposed to. I guess no one told them that long hair inspires creativity. I mean, think about all those famous, popular people. My road to stardom has just hit a few speedbumps and a minor detour.


  1. i miss your pony tail.

    you can run your fingers through mine until it grows back though.

  2. you know what else inspires creativity? drugs. tons of drugs

  3. I don't even know you. I am your sister. come back to us.
