So the many followers of this blog (i believe there are now 3 of you) have probably been wondering why the author has been seemingly absent from his own blog for an extended period of time. You may be asking yourself, "Hey what gives?" Well, i have no answer for any of these questions. It comes down to pure lack of effort. I believe my brother Jake predicted my near undeniable failure as a blogger, and throughout the past month or two, I half to admit I agreed with him. Why is it that I sometimes stare at the update blog tab on my computer only to turn away or simply browse Youtube aimlessly for 45 minutes to an hour? What was pulling me away from the world of bloggers with an almost physical force? Could I not accept the social tag that came with it? Did I really have it in me? I have come to a few realizations though... and I think the most important question I could really ask myself right now, is why not?
That is what life can come down to. Why not? why not aim for greatness? Why not shoot for the stars? If you think about it, you can aim for the treetops and realistically drag your feet in the mud, or you can aim for the stars and drag your feet in the treetops. I can be a moderate, blog-when-convenient type, or I can buckle down and give my readers what they want to hear. But I'm not just doing it for you, I'm doing it because sometimes I need to put my thoughts on paper (or in cyberspace for this case) to really understand what I'm thinking.
Does any of this really make sense? probably not. But "whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more!"
So here it is, my inner struggle: To blog or not blog